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Site Access Codes? Fall 2020 Program Details

We're thrilled to be flooded with e-mails asking for the access code to the upcoming virtual program - we're excited to continue to see a large interest in attending our virtual event. Rather than e-mail you all individually, I want to announce to all at once:

Yes - once you submit payment this will add your name to my list, then you will receive an e-mail from Jonathan at our admin account with your access code and final details. Context: PayPal will not allow us to have this done automatically with receipts so I'm learning how to get this done through an automated system. Until then, I am sending out manually in response to each registrant so you will receive it before our launch of the content. Additionally, you need two access codes (one for the Website, and one with all the Zoom meeting details).

Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding with the learning curve of presenting our virtual only conference. See you soon!


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